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Protecting Your Company Against Discrimination Claims

Discrimination claims can have far-reaching implications for your business. When facing such claims, it is crucial to take steps to protect your business’s reputation, workforce integrity and financial well-being.

At Daudi & Kroll, P.C., we provide employers in Michigan with client-focused, determined representation in matters involving claims of workplace discrimination. Our Okemos and Canton employment law attorneys are here to support and protect your business.

What Types of Discrimination are Illegal?

The federal government bans a wide range of discrimination in the workplace. This includes discriminatory actions based on:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Nationality
  • Pregnancy
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

It is also illegal to retaliate against an employee for reporting unlawful discrimination.

Responding to Claims

When your company is accused of discrimination or retaliation, it is important to tread carefully. Missteps could greatly harm your business. You need effective strategies that account for your unique circumstances. Our skilled attorneys can help you address such claims and protect your business.

What Could Help Prevent Claims?

There are proactive steps employers can take to try to reduce the likelihood of one day facing discrimination claims. These include:

  • Having clear antidiscrimination policies in employee handbooks and other key documents
  • Developing hiring and termination practices aimed at ensuring such decisions are free of discriminatory motives
  • Having clear procedures in place for responding to internal complaints of discrimination

Our firm can guide you through developing and implementing such preventative measures.

Get in Touch Today for Determined Advocacy

When sensitive issues, such as discrimination claims, arise for your business, protect your goals with dedicated legal support. Let us help you pursue solutions that meet your company’s unique needs.

You can connect with us via email. You can also reach out to our dependable team today by calling 517-306-4538 or 734-249-6310.