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Safeguarding Your Business’s Brand Identity with Trademarks

Trademarks are critical tools for establishing and protecting your business’s unique brand in the marketplace. Daudi & Kroll, P.C., is here to help your company secure these important intellectual property rights.

Our firm, with offices in Okemos and Canton, provides dedicated, determined and solution-focused legal support to businesses throughout Michigan. Our experienced trademark attorneys can guide you through every step of the trademark registration and protection process.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a symbol, word, phrase or design that (alone or in combination) serves to distinguish your business and its offerings from competitors. Examples of common marks include logos, trade names, trade dress and slogans. Trademarks can play a crucial role in ensuring that customers can easily recognize your company’s products or services.

Why Register a Trademark?

You automatically get trademark rights by using a mark. Registering with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) isn’t mandatory. However, doing so can have many advantages:

  • It lets others know you use the mark.
  • It creates a legal presumption that you have trademark rights.
  • It gives you the ability to bring an infringement claim in federal court.

So, registration can be very valuable in preventing accidental infringement and putting you in a strong position to respond should infringement occur.

The Basics of the Trademark Application Process

The first step in the registration process is to file your application with the USPTO. Your application will then go through examination. If the examiner finds problems with your application or proposed trademark, you will have an opportunity to correct them. If your request is still rejected, you may be able to appeal.

If the examiner clears your application, your trademark will then go on to publication. Upon publication, members of the public have 30 days to raise any objections. If your trademark clears this waiting period, you can likely proceed to the final phase, which is registration.

Comprehensive Trademark Registration Support

This registration process can be complex, and there are many hurdles you could encounter. Our firm is here to help you from start to finish. We provide comprehensive support aimed at achieving your registration goals. We can also help you take additional steps to protect your trademark after registration.

Get Trusted Help with Your Business’s Trademark Needs

Strong brand identity can be critical for your business’s success. Let us help you protect it with our trademark legal services.

Learn more by reaching out to us online to begin the conversation. You may also connect with us by calling 517-306-4538 or 734-249-6310.